This was sort of (un)intentionally meant for the mini-comp on AIF Central but I have a few doubts regarding the recent comments on that site and the future of the AIF scene after my recent two threads there, so I’m releasing it now instead, for free of course.
Anyway, this is act two of the three acts of Emily:Homecoming (sequel to Emily: Sister Attraction) that I’m working on. It’s meant to feel like a mini-comp game. Hope you enjoy it!
This was made in collaboration with BBBen, and I’d like to really thank him for his contribution. And to be honest, this should be what it’s all about; people working together, whether it is in making games, creating websites, or forums or anything else. I sincerely hope we can revitalize the scene, because it’s in desperate need of it.
Anyway, not going to bore you anymore with my BS. As usual, actually read the ReadMe.txt file! For more on the game and how you can help make it a full game: visit
All the best,